Big Vibes and Lori’s Brazilian Jimmy Choo Meditation

To create a blooming visualization practice you must start by willingly suspending all of your beliefs and doubts. This is similar to when you step into a movie theatre, leaving the ordinary behind and then embracing the ridiculous, the unbelievable and the...

Stop dreaming about the perfect job and get one instead!

It is time to do what you are really passionate about!  I believe that working and careers deserve some repurposing for most. So I am going to dissect this. What work really is, is service to others for which we are sometimes paid. When we give we receive so abundance...

The secret to wealth and abundance

You need to witness your thoughts of poverty. My first job I was 11 years old. I ran the concession stand at a baseball park. I worked the entire summer a lot of hours a week and I made $300.00.  My most famous customer was a three year old little boy named Curt...

Is the reason you are sick, environmental toxins?

First of all, I am not a doctor, I am a medical intuitive. I use my intuition to guide me to what has a compelling impact upon my senses. To what feels good and what feels bad. I have spent ten years working with alternative healers from all over the world. From...

Serendipity and Synchronicity

There are no coincidences when you are surfing the quantum field of energy.  Man, surrounded by fact, permitting himself no surprise, no intuitive flash, no great hypothesis, no risk, is in a locked cell. Ignorance cannot seal the mind more securely.” Albert...