Your secret gateway to the spiritual world

 “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, the whole body shall be full of light”  Matthew 6:22  Your endocrine system is the master of your connection to the spirit world. It consists of the pituitary gland,the pineal gland, the...

Detoxing the Mind

To begin to detox our mind, we need to start in the stomach. Our intestines have a very thin lining and the gluten in grain has the ability to penetrate the junctions of the gut wall. When the wall become permeable we call it a leaky gut. What occurs is that...

Using ancient frequencies and technology to heal yourself

 The secrets of waves for crystal and frequency healing. Some of my most calm and peaceful moments have been when I have been sleeping with my window open, listening to the sounds of the ocean, lake and nature. This is such a beautiful way to receive the waves from...

Using the power and theories of TESLA for healing

After my deep dive into the world of “alternative healing ” almost ten years ago, I find the term ridiculous. For centuries we have been healing ourselves by what are now considered outdated and antiquated methods. The irony is that if we want to go back...

Ascension Uncovered

Riding the wave in to the fourth dimension The Ascension theory is about a change in the frequency of our planet and the expansion of our awareness. Each dimension has a different frequency which creates a separate reality. The third dimension where we live right now...