The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra: The sacral chakra is strongly linked with relationships, guilt and blame. We store our primal sense for power, sex and money here. This is our center of physical survival, control and one on one relationships. This is where we strap our gunbelt and...

Do you have good energy?

Our human energy field is very important in determining our overall health. I was recently tested by a very innovative imaging machine that is capable of measuring the body’s energy field. This is not one of the now popular  “aura” machines that many...

The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra: Here is the power center of choice where we have our ability to speak up and establish our boundaries. Our life choices are made here and then pushed into the lower chakras for implementation. Often that which we do not want to let go of is found...

The Power of the Crown Chakra

Your Power Place Chakra! The crown chakra is where you will find grace, compassion and your source of prayer. Here lies your spirituality and connection with source. Your life force and inspiration from the universe enters through this chakra. Located on the top of...

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus This is our center of pride, confidence and ego and where we seek approval. Low self confidence or arrogance are the extremes of this energy center. The solar plexus is where our personal power comes from. When we keep a secret it goes here.  The fears...