My husband Tino left this world eight years ago. His leaving uncorked my gifts of intuition and clairaudience and I began speaking to spirits. Some of the spirits that I talk to are ancient Mayans who have a desire to return and work through me to help others. The intention is to spread their knowledge about the human experience. The Mayans are extremely intelligent, probably more so than we are today because they had the knowledge of both the cosmos and the earth. The two together results in a rich perspective of our journey from stars to the human body and back and what is the best way for the soul to navigate these transitions. They are very interested in the human experience and how the soul and its consciousness evolves through our cultures and conditioning while on the planet. For me, I am fascinated with the perspective of those on the other side. What do they think of us?, What would they do different? What is the secret to getting out of here ALIVE? These are all questions that I have asked the spirit world over and over. So here are the top five things I learned from dead people:

1.) Dead people are fine: They are in fact better than ever. It is being in the human body that brings pain and suffering. Without a body they are simply consciousness and awareness and are now an energetic thumbprint of themselves. They have a memory of their life with us but they do not have all the emotions and irrelevant thoughts that go along with it. The human body is an emotion factory and the trick is the management of our emotions which the transitioned all wish they had done a better job of. They also say that it would have been much easier just to surrender to the process of getting through life than having so much drama about everything that happened.

2.) Obstacles:  They are just part of the deal. They are what we signed up for in order to learn and expand our consciousness. We need to see them as lessons not a horrific monster that we can’t deal with. Every person we meet is a teacher and it is our job to understand what we are to learn from them, even through our most challenging times of conflict and disappointment.

3.) Expectations: These are a set up, a dangling carrot to go into the futility of the future and keep you out of the present moment. We spend thousands of hours creating illusions and conjuring up expectations that we worry about, hope for, strive for and wish for. It is the biggest waste of our precious human time. Real peace is found in expecting nothing and trusting in the highest good for all.

4.) Beliefs: Beliefs are accumulated from others, none of them are congruent with the soul. From the day we are born we are molded into the beliefs of our culture and our families intergenerational fears. Layers and layers of sticky and gooey fears create a “baklava” that we live in, with a lot of nuts thrown in.

5.) Become Conscious: For the most part we walk the world in a cloud, caught up in the drama of everyone around us. The healthiest place is to get off the stage and find a good seat as the observer. Here we can manage emotions, be aware of all the actors, understand the plot and path and lastly be entertained and enjoy the ride. Here is how to do that with your family.

The perspective from the other side will have you questioning everything and it can help you to reconstruct your life and make it a smoother ride.



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