Big Vibes and Lori’s Brazilian Jimmy Choo Meditation

To create a blooming visualization practice you must start by willingly suspending all of your beliefs and doubts. This is similar to when you step into a movie theatre, leaving the ordinary behind and then embracing the ridiculous, the unbelievable and the...

Do you really need supplements? If so, which ones?

First of all, I am not a doctor, I am a medical intuitive. I use my intuition to find what has a compelling impact upon my senses, to what feels positive and what feels negative. I have spent ten years working with alternative healers from all over the world with...

Spiritual Weight Loss – Finding the Hunger Hormone

The holiday season had me toggling between peppermint bark and gingerbread, as my cravings had decided that I deserved all the delights of Christmas past. I had earned the right to Almond Roca and it was time to cash in. As the cravings kept growing I was realizing...

Spiritual Weight Loss – The magic fairy dust you need.

As I continue on my 100 pound weight loss, I have to admit that I am hovering. I got bored with the same old food, my cravings were starting to get out of control and I stopped dedicating the time I needed to eat consciously and healthy. I am now over the lull and...

Spiritual Weight Loss – The Dreaded Plateau

The definition of a plateau is “a state of little to no change after a period of progress”. A plateau in weight loss seems to happen to everyone. Strange, because I was eating everything spelled out on the diet and had even increased my exercise. It was...

Spiritual Weight Loss – Re-thinking abundance.

As human beings we are caught in a world of wanting more and more, striving for abundance. From the moment we are conceived we are marinated in an embryonic fluid full of our mothers worry about not having enough money, time and support to raise us. Welcome to...