“If you dig a pit for others to fall into, you will fall into it yourself.” – Rumi
The path to forgiveness can be a “mind field” as you avoid stepping on your bombs of expectations that you have placed along the way. The mind despises forgiveness as it wants to hold on to every detail of what happened. This judge and jury loves to juggle the past and the grievances of what happened, tossing and turning them over and over in your mind.
The key to forgiveness is accepting that something happened and realizing that your expectations were blasted. It is letting go of the past and the stupidity of perceiving it is something that belongs to you. Many of us have been known to sit in the judging of it all for years.
“She should have done this, he could have done that, they intentionally did this to me, how dare they.”
Working on forgiveness is drinking an elixir of freedom and can release the soul to flourish instead of affecting our life, family and friends. Carrying around a lack of forgiveness can ruin the next relationship and keep walls around you confined in giving yourself to others in your greatest way. A lack of forgiveness kills your inner fire. There is no power in hanging on to “stuff”, it is a fallacy to think creating a shrine to all the hurts, pains and blame will heal you.
I believe that the universe is much better at settling the score. There is not enough wisdom in my mind to right wrongs or shake things up and have everything land in its perfect place. The mystical world holds the answers and the essence of healing as it leans into balance of all who come in and out of our lives. There are depths of misunderstanding that our beliefs create which are not even real. We argue over differences that do not exist. The complexities of our humanness emerges and we create boundaries of wounds.
To heal ourselves we need to go back to the past and see our wounds as something that is keeping us from wholeness. To help support this effort, here are two stones that will take you to the comfort of your inner self where you can find the formula to forgiveness. These stones cut through to the truth and realize that the voice of peace is no longer in conflict with anything anymore.
Green Calcite:
This will go after the mental, helping to balance you between right and wrong, guilt or no guilt. It will clear out the old patterns and make room
for new thinking. It blasts the expectations that gets you to statements like
“I trusted that person”,
“In my world people do not do things like that”.
These phrases represent expectations that lead to beliefs systems that create toxic threads. We must leave these beliefs behind and bust the blockages in our heart. The mind cannot help you heal, only the heart can move you to change. Our thoughts limit our ability to forgive so they must be eliminated from the equation. When the heart takes the lead you can step out of pain and harmonize the mental with the emotional. Green Calcite will create the environment for this balance and is a great choice when your stubborn mind wants to dwell on hurting that person instead of letting go. Calcite supports change. Suffering is your decision and self imposed as you dwell on the injustice because of your pride and interpretation of what happened to you. So, it is time to let go of a position that is flawed. Sometimes people were not meant be in our lives forever, letting go may just be part of the bigger plan and by not seeing the larger picture we suffer in the smallness of our minds.
Blue Lace Agate:
This is the stone and remedy for unchecked emotions and fiery tempers. It is the cool water on a hot fire. When the aggressivity and fear needs to be toned down blue lace agate helps us to create an equilibrium so that fear, anger, worry and depression are diminished. Blue agate changes our expression to a tone that is calm and peaceful. Conflict dissolves.
When resolving forgiveness you need to go deep for lasting change. Forgiveness does not reveal itself easily as events compel us to ferment the emotional pain. Blue Lace Agate will help us to grow out of our thinking and points of view and find love in the heart of ourselves and others. It clears what we need to forgive and paves the way to add to the richness and joy that has been lingering around, waiting for us to release suffering. Forgiveness comes easily when we rise above our emotions and choose gratitude as a step on our spiritual journey. When we widen the perspective and stop punishing ourselves and others, blue lace agate frees us from the heartbreak of not forgiving.
Select a forgiveness stone that most resonates with you. Think of the situation that you are trying to resolve. It can be a person, institution or scene. Always cleanse your stone prior to doing any work. Begin with your stone on your heart and focus on your heart beat. While thinking of the scene, focus on where there is a physical sensation in the body. Where is the anger? where is the pain? suffering? Wherever you find the discomfort, move the stone to that place and begin to breath and with the intention of removing the energy related to the pain, begin to dissolve and dissipate this.
Repeat this mantra: In forgiving myself, I forgive others.
Then move your hand back to your heart and ask your heartbeat to carry your forgiveness and clearing to the event or person.
Walk with this forgiveness and repeat this exercise if you are still hanging on.
The journey to joy awaits you. Take the next step in and transform yourself from the inside out! The time is now to Master You!