Finding the Divine in Divorce

I have recently had some friends and family members go through divorce. I have tried to understand what gets someone to that point of wanting to take a sharp right turn out of marital bliss and into the unknown and insecurity of being alone again. I have heard all the...

There Are No Churches in Heaven

This week I have had several synchronistic encounters with others who are struggling with their past and present church involvement and are questioning the hypocrisy and mixed messages they have received over the years. I am careful not to go too deep into politics or...

Grieving Through Life With One High Heel

When we meet the love of our life it is a merging of particles that become energetically ignited into a mass of combined energy that becomes US. We go through life with our collective molecules that weave our existence together. These energies mesh, combine, bounce...

A More Kind and Gentle Space

It is a difficult scenario to face when unkind words from others enter into our space, whether it be a feeling, a thought or a spoken expression. There is first a sadness and shock that sweeps over us and then we are placed into a defensive mode as we want to stand up...