The holiday season had me toggling between peppermint bark and gingerbread, as my cravings had decided that I deserved all the delights of Christmas past. I had earned the right to Almond Roca and it was time to cash in. As the cravings kept growing I was realizing that cravings were really the ultimate saboteur of my 100 pound weight loss. I had defined my enemy.  I decided that unless I dug deeper into the black lagoon of chemical brain imbalances I might never find the monster. I consulted a doctor with expertise in cravings and unbalance. Off to the lab I went.What secret wisdom would I find swarming through my veins? As the technician strapped up my arm, I thought I would see candy canes filling the test tubes.  They pulled out seven vials of blood,  I waited for the results.

The verdict came in, I have severe Leptin resistance. I googled Leptin and found a treasure trove of information and the symptoms lined up like a hole in one. Had I found the holy grail of my struggle? As usual, give me a diagnosis and my Kindle was flooded with books and authors and experts on Leptin.

So what is Leptin resistance?

Well, it is a bodies software issue. Leptin is a substance created in my fat cells that is the ultimate appetite regulator. It is like the spokesperson of my fat cells warning my brain of potential starvation, telling me how much to eat and how and where to go to burn fat for energy. My problem is that with the high levels of leptin circulating in my blood I no longer responded to appetite or energy expenditures and commands. I realized that my good intentions were in conflict with my chemistry and I had been abandoned by my body and was alone  with a sign “leptin out of order” hanging around my neck. This explained why every time I would lose 30 pounds, my system would go into survival mode and fight me to the death to put the weight back on.

No one really knows why Leptin stops functioning properly but it is extremely common in overweight people. The symptoms are constant cravings and feelings of hunger that are truly overwhelming. I asked the doctor for the magic formula to fix it and he said the outcome was bleak, there is no real known highly successful solution to jumpstart my leptin. So, like a terminal cancer would I be in a fight of my life, the rest of my life, with cravings? Just that thought was enough for another piece of Christmas fudge.

A part of me was relieved, I can handle the truth I thought, but I needed the nuclear option. My doctor explained that like with any dysfunctional system it would require an overhaul and that he had what he believed is the only plan available to reset Leptin. I took his ideas to my physicians assistant and she enthusiastically embraced the plan. She felt it could work. So, I am not on a diet but instead a Leptin reset program. I was given six months to see if it works.

It is now three weeks and I have lost ten pounds and my cravings are way down. More importantly my appetite has been reduced by half. This has also reduced my anxiety about eating. The reset plan is in full swing and it seems to be working. I know everyone is going to want to know what I am doing, the magic pills I am taking, etc. but I cannot endorse something that I have not seen to the finish line so that information will come along. so hang in there with me as we are going on a Leptin ride. All I can say now is educate yourself about Leptin before you keep losing weight that you cannot keep off. Go to your nearest lab and get tested for Leptin resistance as it can hold the key to what fails you.

Here are the supplements that I am taking:

Vitamin B-12: Shots are best but sublingual can work for some patients.

Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2: To replace deficiencies and promote the proper calcium regulation in the body.

Berberine + Alpha Lipoic Acid: Helps to treat insulin resistance and lower blood sugar levels.

Krill Oil: Helps to balance Omega 3:6 ratio and reduce inflammation.

Support for Adrenals.

It is important to know that supplements can boost results, but if your leptin levels are as high as mine, it is unlikely that supplements by themselves will be enough to treat the problem. They are only a part of the treatment plan.

It is my goal to bring this treatment to many of you who are going through the yo yo of dieting. If you are interested in knowing more, send an email to


and we can share what is working. Because I am going to get to the bottom of it, sooner than later.


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