Our human energy field is very important in determining our overall health.

I was recently tested by a very innovative imaging machine that is capable of measuring the body’s energy field. This is not one of the now popular  “aura” machines that many people are tested on but a much more sophisticated measurement. The test shows your health and well-being based on the distribution of a person’s physical, emotional and psychological state and the relationship of the inner self to the exterior world.  In-depth discussion of this in my course – The Tree of Life.

energy medicine

On the left-hand side there is a picture of an average person who is disconnected from life, stressed out and not in a balanced state. You will observe that this field is very sporadic and does not have a solid and stable function of energy. Most people are walking around the world in this way.

energy medicineOn the right is my own personal test that has a symmetry of 94% which is extremely high. The person who took the test told me that the highest she has ever seen is 96%.

People have often made comments that I have “good energy” and this test shows that they are right !  The blue is the physical being, violet is emotional energy, pink is psychological and orange is spiritual.  A score so high indicates that I have been able to combat stress and anxiousness and that I have a very good relationship between my inner voice and the outside world. It also shows, that I have very few emotional disturbances, that I am calm and secure in my thoughts and my mind. My overall distribution of energy is very balanced, meaning that there is a good alignment of my body, mind and spirit.  You can learn more about this in my book.

So what is my secret in being able to walk in the world with such good energy?

First of all, I meditate every day, without exception. Meditation has reduced my stress levels to pretty much nothing. It would take a lot now to get me “stressed out”. I have been able to organize my bodies energy into a walking state of calm. This has afforded me the opportunity to create a life of beauty and a balanced existence by tapping into the energetic world and the extensive field of possibilities around me.

This work has opened me up into understanding a new reality,  where I am connected to my environment in a positive way. This spills over into my connection with human beings, plants and animals as well as the spirit world. I feel connected to everything and this helps me to feel very much alive. I am able to walk in the world with an intention of love and kindness for other human beings which generates a positive response for me and my energy field and this influences the condition of my life. I am a part of a collective spirt in the world around me. I have little to no concerns about the life experience because through prayer, trust and surrender, I know that everything will work out. In addition, I realize that plants have the power to heal me because of the deep connection they have to the earth’s energy which is a positive interaction. I use essential oils and do my best to eat a plant based diet. The power of God can heal us and it is in everything that is alive.  This I supported by my CD.

Every morning I create a sacred space and set a positive intention as I walk through the world. This raises the vibration of my energy field so I am able to absorb new ideas by busting useless beliefs and realizing that I am a part of an inevitable divine plan that is our humanity. I embrace the unknown and walk in the knowing that I am healthy and happy walking on my earth journey. I have no fear, I have forgiven myself and others and I am a clear and vibrant being with no attachments to any emotion except the love of life.

Now believe me, this did not happen overnight, but it was worth the 9 years of effort to get to this place. A very old Guru in India told me that this would be my last trip to earth and it is no wonder now that I truly want to make the best of this last go around.

As a spiritual life coach, it is my job to get you to a state of bliss and joy. If you are ready, give me a call.

From the other side of life,


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