I love the word BLISS, it sounds so much like something I want to exude. The definition of bliss is perfect happiness and great joy. So what does it take to get it? What does it really mean to follow your bliss?
Here are the step by step instructions of getting to bliss.
1.) Stop planning the life that we think we should have or hope to live. This is all fantasy, give up the visions of sugar plums that we have dancing in our head. Our life is happening now and is not the illusion of what our mind keeps telling us what we could or should be doing.
2.) We deserve to be the real us, no matter what we have been told, taught or convinced of. The real us resides under all the conditioning of others and the beliefs of society of who we should be. Reach into your heart and find the muse, the music and the real person that wants to be seen and heard.
3.) Stop asking about our life purpose and seeking under every rock for the why of why we are here. To feel alive and with purpose, our experiences must align with who we are. If you love flying you should not be a ship captain. Go out and do what feels good.
4.) Know that our wealth is found in the ashes after we have crashed and burned. Experience and failure are golden.
5.) If we are afraid to enter the cave of fear, we will never find the light in the darkness. Fear is our biggest obstacle to bliss.
6.) Do not regret anything. It is the past coming back to haunt us. Maybe it wasn’t the time then, but the time is now.
7.) Carve out a sacred space for ourselves and our thoughts and desires. This is the place where we can create and bring things to life.
8.) Know there is a GOD/Universe available to make our intentions our reality, trust this as there is nothing greater than GOD or the Universe anywhere else.
9.) We signed up for the human experience and it will not change. It involves pain and sorrow, life and death.
10.) Say yes to adventure.
Choosing bliss we can arrive at the center of our existence. We cannot ever be alone in the world, it is impossible. When we begin to design our own symphony we can create the melody of dreams that permeates thought and brings into alignment all that is willing to arrive on our platter of fate.
From the other side of life,
Lori Morrison