As I continue on my 100 pound weight loss, I have to admit that I am hovering. I got bored with the same old food, my cravings were starting to get out of control and I stopped dedicating the time I needed to eat consciously and healthy. I am now over the lull and back on track again but this time with a new weapon, a full blown probiotic and gut visualization plan. I envision little guys in my stomach who are desperately begging me for sugar. I keep saying to these bacteria bad asses that I am taking them on, no more sugar! I also decided to pull out the big guns and get savvy about probiotics. If you are going to take one supplement in your life, it should be a probiotic. If you do not have good flora in your gut you are not a healthy person. Stress, toxins, antibiotics, non organic foods, over the counter medications can give you a leaky gut. The symptoms of leaky gut are bloating, constipation, gas and weight gain . You can carry 10 pounds of bacteria in your GI track so it is a force to be reckoned with. I had some of these issues and my GI tract was in degradation. Our tummy is the center of our immune system and if the balance is off, the bacteria overgrows and eats through the system, into our blood stream and causes autoimmune diseases and a whole basket of other problems.
I have come to the conclusion that it is virtually impossible to have a successful weight loss effort without a healthy gut. I also realized that I needed to get out of the no fat mode and I should be embracing a good fat diet with no sugar so as to not give yeast, fungus and mold an invitation to build up. These bacteria creatures can multiply 52 million times in 24 hours, yikes! There has been a party going on and I wasn’t invited, yet kept sending stuff to keep everyone high.
The other benefit of cleaning up your gut is that a crappy gut gives you a bad mood. Research shows that sad people have messy stomachs because the levels of serotonin and dopamine are affected and the inflammation in the body is over the top. After doing the research I came to the conclusion that I needed a probiotic intervention, fast. First, I needed a bomb to blast out the bad bacteria so I purchased Dr. Westin Child’s weight loss probiotic Gut Bomb with 350 billion ultra potency and multi strain bacteria. It is especially formulated for weight loss. It comes with 15 packets, you take one per day for a total of 5 .25 trillion probiotics per container, the highest value of any probiotic on the market. I have taken 5 “bombs” so far and wow, the difference was immediate, I lost my cravings and appetite and I feel great. It is good for a lot of other things too like reducing inflammation, balancing hormones and digestion. The other thing I learned is that the amount of calories you absorb depends on the bacteria in your gut. You know those people that can eat and never gain a pound? They have the right bacteria. Lastly, and probably the most important is that the bacteria in your gut influences fat storing hormones such as leptin and insulin. By taking probiotics you can reduce the resistance to insulin and lose weight.
Now, just going to the grocery store and picking up a random bottle will probably not be that effective unless the CFU (colony forming units) are really high. For weight loss you need at least 15-20 billion CFU’s per serving. The right dose makes a big difference so check the labels. You also want to be sure that the probiotic includes these four ingredients
- Lactobacillus gasseri
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus
- Bifidobacterium lactis
- Lactobacillus casei
These are all well-studied and only certain probiotics support weight loss.
So, I hope this helps me and you to get the tools we need for taking on the cravings and getting ourselves back to balance.
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