Check out this list before you head to the psychiatrist for


One of the hardest things to come back from is a spiral into depression. It kicks you into a vortex and swirls around you, taking you deeper and deeper into the darkness, eliminating your capacity for hope. When hope fades, anxiety flows in and your positive reality disappears. Then, an illogical mind takes over and convinces you that life isn’t worth living and there is no way out of the sadness. It is like trying to retrieve a goldfish from going down the drain, a slippery proposition.   

Here are my top ten depression busters: 

1.) Tapping: Otherwise known as Emotional Freedom Technique. This is tapping your fingers on “meridian points” on the body that can release energy blockages that cause negative emotions. This is based on the concepts of acupuncture without the needles. Start with your hand and begin a karate chop on your other hand. Then with your index finger and middle finger go to the top of your head and work down, tapping for a few seconds on each of the areas outlined in the diagram below. As you go, repeat positive affirmations until the level of stress and emotions begins to dissipate. 

2.) Meditation: I cannot recommend meditation enough. There is now a multitude of studies which show that meditation is the foundation of a peaceful existence. I wake up every morning, hit the bathroom and head straight to my meditation corner before I do anything else. If you are a beginner, I recommend a guided meditation that might be easier in keeping you focused during the meditation. Meditating is like a brain workout, practice makes perfect. As time goes by you will begin to manage your thoughts and be able to then support a positive and healthy attitude. Remember it is best not to meditate too close to bedtime.

3.) Food: Consuming sugar and carbs is like jumping on an emotional roller coaster that never ends. Too many sweets turns your tummy into an out of control fraternity party waiting for a keg of beer to arrive. Your stomach is your “second brain” filled with important neurotransmitters and is a big determinant to your mental state. A big chunk of your emotions are influenced by the nerves in your gut, not to mention that 95% of your serotonin is found in your bowels. Serotonin is what the body produces to keep us happy and without the proper amounts it can affect our mood, appetite, sleep, memory and sexual desire. When you use sugar to boost your serotonin levels you cause an even bigger problem by depleting your ability to store serotonin over time. It is helpful to boost the amount of protein you are eating since proteins make serotonin and push it to the brain together with a combination of healthy carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice, fresh fruit or nuts. 

4.) Sleep: Start a ritual before you head for bed. At 7:30pm I turn off the TV and prepare myself a cup of calming tea and start my pre-sleep ritual. I may take a hot shower or bath, adding some essential oils for calm. I will write down all of the things I am planning to do the following day in my daily journal, best to get all of those monkey mind thoughts on a piece of paper and not take them with you to your pillow. Avoid caffeine after noon.

5.) Electronics: This is always the toughest for all of my clients to manage. There is a study that found 95% of people who used an electronic device within an hour of bedtime reduced by 50% the amount of melatonin in their system. Melatonin is a chemical that helps to regulate sleep. Too much light is another big factor with electronics as it sends a miscue to the brain and promotes wakefulness. It is better to buy an old fashioned paper back book and read, leave your devices in your home office and hit the delete button on checking emails and social media. Cut the social media time down by 25% and you will see an amazing difference in how you feel.

6.) Brain Snacks: Some snacks that promote the chemicals you need for regulating mood are pumpkin seeds, brown rice crackers, beans, sliced turkey (organic/full of tryptophan which helps to produce feel-good chemicals), greek yogurt with berries and nuts, black tea (for reducing cortisol – the stress hormone), dark chocolate (75% cocoa) for PMS, fatty fish like smoked salmon, sardines and anchovies packed full of omega 3’s.

7.) Essential Oils: Oils are a fantastic way to change the vibration around you. Buy a diffuser and purchase some oils to diffuse while you are working. My favorite oils are from Doterra. Doterra Peace works on the crippling emotions of fear and worry and Doterra Cheer boosts your happiness and positivity. You can buy the diffuser and the oils here Doterra Oils If you do not want the diffuser you can simply apply one to two drops to your hands and inhale throughout the day to help reduce worry for life’s stressors.

8.) Crystals and Stones: Amethyst provides clarity and calms the mind by releasing stress and anxiety. Rose quartz is the stone of love and helps to open your heart to receive healing energy and helps you to forgive others and move on. It also has a vibration of harmony and can help to heal many emotional issues related to failing relationships with a spouse or family. If you are worrying about financial matters, citrine is the perfect stone to take to your place of work to stimulate positive energies and help you reach your goals. Black tourmaline is very helpful to ground all of the frequencies that are being emitted from your electronic devices. Carnelian is a stone that can help with addiction and boost your energy. Use stones where you spend the most time like your bedroom and work area. It is also helpful to carry them around with you in a small pouch around your neck.

9.) Nature and Spirit: This is the most readily available place for healing yourself. Take your problems to mother earth by calling her in and asking her to take all of your anxiety and hardship and give it back to the ground and the roots of your existence. Begin a relationship with your spiritual guides, GOD or whomever you trust and turn over your hardships and difficulties to these divine powers. If you feel alone, know that they are always with you. Trust in the spiritual world to guide you to a place of calm and peace.

10.) Create a new story and a new you: Many people who are depressed tell the same story over and over until they can no longer see the potential for a new story. Your story of misery then follows you around and is reinforced every time you tell it.  I suggest that you sit down, and in your journal, write a new story. Write a positive story that inspires you. If your mind goes back to telling the old story read your new one and refresh your mind about a new way in which you will walk in the world.  It can also help if you listen to my CD, the Tree of Life Harmony.  

Leave me a message and tell me what helps you to get calm.

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