BEMER: https://life.bemergroup.com
How do I schedule an appointment with Lori?
CLICK HERE This will take you to the appointment calendar. Please choose a time that best works for your schedule. Follow the instructions for payment and you are set!
Where does the session take place?
Sessions are done by connecting to an online Zoom meeting. There is no significant difference in a session if it is done in person or online. Lori is able to tap into your energy field no matter where you are.
How do I join a meeting?
Click HERE to find out more.
How long is a session?
Your first session is 60 minutes. When you book a session you will be asked to fill out a form that outlines the areas that you would like addressed. Please be as complete as possible when filling out this form. Describe in the best detail you can all the symptoms of mental, physical or spiritual issues. Lori will be working on your case often prior to your session. During the one to one online session Lori will work with you intuitively on what causes she has found and the remedies that she suggests to get you to a place of satisfaction that you have received enough information to begin a plan of action toward wellness.
Day of the session?
Please be on time and familiarize yourself with ZOOM. Sessions start on time. If you are late, you may or may not be guaranteed that the session will be for the full hour. If you miss your session, I am able to reschedule only one time, for an appointment in the future.
May I record the session?

Life Coaching
A life coach is the modern version of a sage or wisdom keeper who is characterized by their prudence and good judgment and can help you see things from new perspectives and new horizons. Coaching is about having someone believe in you and encourage you to live your greatest potential. The path to enlightenment is a sacred journey and having guidance can make a difference in the implementation of the next steps. Make life a smoother and more effective process with someone who has taken the journey before and who can help to lead the way.
Spiritual Emergencies
The term “spiritual emergency” was coined by Stan and Christina Grof with the intention of making the distinction between transformative states of non-ordinary reality and psychosis. Other terms such as “the dark night of the soul” or “shamanic initiation” have been used to describe this state of being when a person’s belief systems are shattered and they lose their connection to a past reality. Western Psychiatry can miss the ancient knowledge of this process and patients end up hospitalized when in reality they can be experiencing a time of transformation or “spiritual awakening”. Practitioners with experience in this can be very helpful on the souls journey into a period of personal initiation without the traditional long term use of anti-psychotic drugs.

Grief Counseling
Losing someone can be the most devastating event in our lives. The separation of the soul and the journey to the other dimension brings with it an enormous pain and suffering for those left behind. Many times there are things that are left unsaid, other times just the knowing that the soul has arrived and is in the gentle arms of other loving souls can bring peace and tranquility. It often seems impossible to move forward as the vacuum of space that is left behind is so expansive yet understanding the journey of the soul and the continuity to our existence can soften the pain of a broken heart. Going it alone can be overwhelming as others do not understand the depth of the impact of separation. Having a person with knowledge of transition and answers to the subsequent questions that remain can help to bridge the gap to finding peace in the midst of extreme sadness. Here you will find support to take the next steps and rebuild a life around the amazing YOU. If you have been a caregiver, lessons in how to take care of yourself and focus on becoming your own best friend again is a noble journey to the beauty inside of all of us who have cared for others on their passage to the “other side”.
Business Intuitive Counseling
I began to realize that an intuitive understanding and consciousness was more significant than abstract thinking and intellectual logical analysis, intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect” – Steve Jobs
Intuition is a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and non conscious parts of our mind, and between instinct and reason. In essence, we need both instinct and reason to make the best possible decisions for ourselves and our jobs and businesses. There is no need to reject scientific logic in order to benefit from instinct.Until about a hundred years ago science wasn’t even aware of the role of our unconscious, but studies now show that only 20 percent of the brain’s gray matter is dedicated to conscious thoughts, while 80 percent is dedicated to non-conscious thoughts. Businesses everyday are realizing the importance of this 80% in achieving an edge in legal matters, competition, strategic planning, human resources and all aspects of business that require insightful decisions be made. Working with an experienced intuitive with practical knowledge of the business world can be an important advantage and open the door to an expanded point of view that takes into account the power of instinctual and spiritual cognizance.

Spiritual Path Counseling
Those who seek a more spiritual life find themselves with a desire to be of service to others and to see the world as a healthy and happy place. Humility and selflessness gets one to a relationship with source energies. By learning the higher consciousness of enlightened teachings these can be incorporated into a daily routine and absorbed into your true nature. When one realizes that our thoughts create our reality and that we can control the manifestation process we arrive at the experience of seeing everything around us as a mirror of ourselves. When we forgive and forget and embrace gratitude we are well on our way to another level of consciousness. It is the spiritual journey that is a valuable treasure box and not the destination. It is a demanding place to be but it is the highest path to honor yourself and others.The path to enlightenment is a sacred journey and having guidance can make a difference in the implementation of the next steps and be a smoother and more effective process with someone who has taken the journey before us and who can help to lead the way.
The intuitive world realizes that there is a predetermined plan to meet the people in our lives in order to share experiences that are part of our karmic path. Our incarnation often involves the learning of lessons and relationships are the most challenging form of learning. Whether it be parents, lovers, children or others in our lives we reach higher levels of enlightenment because of these connections.
Many relationships struggle at the foundation when the subconscious is ignored and the mind engages in destructive behaviors of jealously, blame, control, possessiveness and judgement because we do not remember our purpose. Seeking guidance in understanding others and ourselves through unconditional love can shift us to attain awareness of our proper role in relationships and get them back to balance so that they can thrive.
Spend a weekend in Sedona and let’s get things back on track!

Trauma Counseling
PTSD and Depression is reaching epidemic proportions as we struggle to manage an ever-changing environment. Trauma can leave deep-seeded wounds in the energetic system of the body, it can also have links to patterns from past-lives. Taking a spiritual approach to healing from trauma is a journey into oneself for inner reflection. A return to the source of the trauma and the dismantling of learned behavior can lead to positive results. By learning the higher consciousness of enlightened teachings these can be incorporated into a daily routine and be absorbed into your true nature. The heart knows where the wisdom exists so it often just takes a remembering to spark the re-connection to all things that heal the heart and soul.

Shamanic Healing
Shamanic practitioners use mystical techniques to identify illnesses and then work on clearing blockages in the body’s chakra systems. Restoring the energetic flow will bring power back to a client who is suffering from an illness.
There are many techniques used from the vast number of cultures who have used this practice to repair the energetic imbalance of body mind and spirit. At times disease and other maladies can be seen through this spiritual method and it can be a call to action to seek traditional medical tests or advice.
On the mental side, the disconnect between mind and body can be a serious issue without unraveling the destructive thoughts and resulting behaviors that have created the incongruence. Bringing to the surface these intrusions on the energetic field can be a helpful resource in clearing and healing.
Soul Retrieval
This practice involves reclaiming a piece of the soul that has been lost due to a trauma. Many of life’s traumas can cause soul loss such as sexual and verbal abuse, an accident, being in a war, being a victim of a violent crime, being involved in a natural disaster, surgery, addiction, divorce or death of a loved one. Any event that causes shock and trauma could cause soul loss. The loss of the soul is not a bad thing, it is the natural process the soul engages in to survive the pain and suffering. Shamanic practitioners believe that a fragmented soul can be the cause of disease and illness. With this process of reintegration of the soul into the body it is possible to align the client’s energies back to a wholeness so that healing can begin.

Divination and Shamanic Journeying
This is the art and practice of discovering knowledge through an inter-dimensional journey to a non-ordinary reality. Through the interpretation of this information from helping spirits a practitioner can break through barriers to understanding what is necessary to heal from psychological and physical issues. This process can also be a tool for spiritual growth as one learns a deeper connection to the unseen world to enhance their overall well-being.
Shamanic practitioners work with misplaced energies in the body by removing them through various methods. Symptoms of these energies are extreme anger, exhaustion, lack of focus or a negative perspective. These energies can be seen by a shamanic practitioner and can be eliminated so that the physical and mental body can recuperate. Stagnant negative energy can be very detrimental to a person’s life and extraction can be very helpful to remove these energetic spiritual intrusions.

Space Clearing
The energy of the places in which we live, work and socialize can affect our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Energetically, everything that happens in a home or building – thoughts, actions and emotions – is held there, imprinted on the walls, floors, and furniture. Traumas, arguments, grief, bad luck, depression, shock, stress, sadness, worry, repeated patterns of behavior and ill-health will leave ‘bad vibes’ and the energy stagnates affecting the people who live there, perpetuating the tendency for negative experiences. Space Clearing is a profound and highly effective technique to clear the past energy from a home or business, and make a fresh start.
This word means “soul conductor”. This is the shaman’s role of guiding the soul of a dying person “home”. Sometimes when death occurs, the soul can be unprepared for it’s journey and the help of shamanic practitioner can facilitate this movement to the “other side”. This work is also used when spirits are “lost” by encouraging them to leave the earth plane and move on. This work can also just be as simple as being with a dying person as they transition to ensure that their soul has a peaceful journey to its destination.

Power Animal Retrieval
Through lack of our awareness of the powerful energies around us we lack personal power. This weakness can cause illness, disease and fears. A shamanic practitioner can restore this power by reconnecting with the spiritual energies of animal totems. It is believed that upon birth every soul arrives with a group of spirits that come to guide, protect and empower us throughout our lives. The retrieval of this spirit animal energy is a very awakening experience and can be an additional tool in building back the whole again. In indigenous cultures it is a celebration met with great enthusiasm by members of the tribe. Reuniting with your spirit animal can bring back vitality and vigor and it is often a help in calming fears and loss.

Intuitive Readings
An intuitive reading is a modern description of the ancient practice of divination. Mystics, seers, mediums, clairvoyants, shamans and human oracles, through thousands of years of human history have been consulted by millions of people including kings, queens, emperors and presidents. Psychics have abilities such as clairvoyance, the ability to ‘see’ visions and describe people and places, or clairaudience – the ability to ‘hear’ information from paranormal sources, clairsentient- the ability to sense things from outside an ordinary reality. I am gifted with all three. Realigning thoughtful energies into healthy perceptions of the human experience will often change a person’s life.
This is a term used to refer to a person who communicates with spirits or entities in other realms or dimensions. They are able to receive information by tuning into varying energy fields. Mediums may receive messages through various forms such as hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and feeling from spirit entities. For as long as there have been human beings on the earth there have been many who have believed that life continues beyond the transition of the death of the physical body. What could be more natural then than to seek contact with the the life beyond or inquire about our future? There is a renewal of this practice as people seek to contact their relatives who had passed to the life beyond in order to reduce the feeling of separation and grief surrounding those who have transitioned. I am always humbled to receive guidance from the spiritual world for my clients as it can be a powerful experience for closure or much needed awareness to help heal the soul.

Past Life Regression
Discovering your past lives is a fascinating way to understand who you are as an immortal soul living a human life. It enables you to heal the present through the past and can bring great inner peace. A past-life regression recalls scenes, feelings and memories from another lifetime that one has lived as though it were happening now. In past life regression, you will discover your present life conflicts are often caused by traumatic events in prior lifetimes. Our subconscious mind retains memories from every past embodiment. By addressing the fragmented self, the end result is reclaiming the pieces of your soul that have been scattered and returns all to balance.
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