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Lori Morrison is a “concierge” to the spiritual world and a “soul intuitive” for those seeking connection and support in their life journeys. After a dramatic spiritual awakening, she vigorously studied the application of sacred sciences, shamanic and alternative spiritual healing methods with many of the world’s most recognized spiritual teachers. Combining her skills as a coach, spiritual counselor, healer and psychic intuitive she has built a successful practice located in Sedona, Arizona where she works with clients from all over the world. She is especially gifted in supporting those who have experienced trauma and grief and other debilitating life experiences and has dedicated herself to the use of alternative methods and ancient wisdom as a complement to reducing the reliance on anti-psychotic drugs. By changing the perspective of mental illness from despair to the emergence of a creative gift can lead to dramatic shifts in the possibility of recovery. She is the author of a book LORI, The disintegration of my ordinary reality which is her memoir and she has a brand new online course called the Tree of Life that supports the journey of the soul through the life experience.

A True Testament to the Power of the Universe and a Spirtual Awakening!
“Lori’s story is truly unbelievable! It’s amazing to think that someone could experience or endure so much and like so may others out there…never get the proper help to cope with such a traumatic awakening initially. It’s also incredibly sad to think about how society treats people in the medical system who were/are in a similar situation that Lori experienced. The fact that society chooses not to acknowledge that there is more out there than what we deem “normal or acceptable” human behavior is a true crime. I’m so glad that Lori and others are speaking their ‘Truth’ and letting the world know there is power out there in the universe that for the most part remains untapped by most people. I hope others feel the way I did after reading this story…the human mind is such a powerful tool. Find your own strength in whatever capacity you can in this ordinary life…as Lori did.”
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A true heroine’s journey and a sweeping love story that transcends time and space
“This book is an absolute treasure, a rare gift. Mesmerizing, captivating thrilling. What doesn’t this book have?
A true heroine’s journey and a sweeping love story that transcends time and space.
Not to mention the ultimate intergalactic Nancy Drew mystery to solve the ultimate mystery… What happens when… Beautifully powerfully written. You can’t put it down, read in 1 gulp kind of book Ms. Morrison’s courage is remarkable. She literally has gone through hell to show us what heaven on earth looks like and then defines a “new normal.” Should be mandatory reading for every psychology, psychiatry training program. What a trailblazer. What a woman. What a book!”
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Guidance and support for spiritual crisis and shamanic awakening
An incredible offer for all of us who have been mislabeled and unseen at times of deep spiritual crisis. Support and love for all of those on their journey of awakening. This book inspired, calmed and and brought a new wind into my sails at a time of sad deflation. I am grateful for Lori’s courage and sweetness in laying bare her pain, failures and successes. In it all I have found more of my own and answers to many questions that have haunted me for many months. Thank you thank you!
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LORI, The Disintegration of My Ordinary Reality is a memoir that describes my spiritual awakening after the death of my husband, my struggles with others’ perceptions of my sanity, and my ongoing work to embrace my role as someone with one foot in everyday reality and the other in the spirit world. Through my experiences, I am seeking to foster a broader understanding of what western medicine has come to label “crazy” and to generate a greater sense of our place in a multi-dimensional world.
At the heart of my story are a series of events that unfold at my home on a remote peninsula inside a volcanic lake in El Salvador, where, after my husband Tino’s death, I experience a barrage of psychic phenomenon including “coincidental” rainbows, indigenous drumming, snakes, and spontaneous rainclouds. These events crescendo to a night when, after a lightning storm, I am hit by a light beam. After three hours lying alone and unconscious, I awaken to find that my perceptions of the three-dimensional world I lived in are no longer my reality. In a subsequent experience, another light enters me and sends me into what would become the first of numerous out-of-body experiences that would eventually drive me to the edge of insanity.
With the sudden dissolution of the veil between the human and spirit world, I am able to see, hear, and feel spirits from multiple dimensions. Oddly, I also receive knowledge of ancient shamanic practices and of what I believe to be the Mayan language. Doing my best to live an ordinary life after an extraordinary experience, I face extreme challenges as I am dramatically affected by electronics, vibrations, and a chorus of Mayan ancestral voices, which begin to communicate with me. Having been a left-brained entrepreneur most of my life, I have no template for understanding these experiences. In line with the well-documented prophesies of the Mayans—which I will only learn about later—the voices speak of a new age when there will be a return to the heart and a kinder, gentler society will emerge. They go on to share that many are hearing the call to this shift and emerging to spread the wisdom of this cycle and that somehow I am a part of this awaited time. Dumbfounded by the information, I realize that in order to fulfill my role in this cosmic connection I must take the first steps on a six-year spiritual journey.
Still in mental chaos and confusion, I avoid western medical frameworks and I instead travel to Colombia for help with a group of indigenous healers who are able to bring my soul back in alignment. Nevertheless, my mind cannot sustain the eradication of everything I thought to be true and I end up in a mental health facility back in America, not once but twice. There, I am diagnosed with borderline schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe PTSD, and depression, and prescribed medications that make me even more unstable. Realizing that traditional psychiatry can’t help me to embrace the unexplainable, I instead return to the spiritual world for the many answers I seek. A Navajo medicine man, shamans, and other spiritual teachers help me to rebuild my fragmented self.
Through it all I am able to communicate with my husband Tino on the “other side”—my most cherished miracle. With his death begins a love story far beyond what I could have ever imagined. Throughout the story his humor and unique perspective soothe my weary soul and convert my deep despair into a greater understanding of death, life, and the pursuit of joy and compassion.
After travelling all over the world to consult with spiritual teachers and guides, I connect with a mentor who channels information from the Mayan spirits responsible for my awakening. Under their direction, I meticulously prepare an enormous bonfire and in an early morning ceremony, on December 21st, 2012—the final day in the Mayan calendar cycle—I release thousands of spirits who had been trapped beneath the deep waters of Lake Ilopango.
Throughout my journey, I work on defeating the darkness of my soul and my mind’s skepticism and when I finally release my deepest fears, I arrive into a light bright enough for me to share with others. Although many spiritual awakenings are labeled as “mental illness” and result in the tragedy of life-long suffering, I find that such awakenings do not have to mean a life sentence of disconnection with the world around you. They can be instead a path of inspiration and miracles that leads to living in the present and feeling whole again. Through the magical process of transformation, you can arrive into the elixir of life.
The journey to the role of a seer and healer can be extraordinary, particularly in a world that denies their existence. Many of those with different perceptions of the world are diagnosed with mental disorders when they are actually shifting into more highly attuned and empathic states. By supporting these sensitivities and helping others to become productive healers and intuitives, we can benefit greatly again from their gift to humanity. By eliminating the fear and stigma surrounding an unordinary mind and finding trusted mentors and wiser sages, many more can travel the path of the shaman into a peaceful existence despite a chaotic world.
LORI, The Disintegration of My Ordinary Reality will appeal primarily to those who are interested in spiritual development. According to Pew Research Center, 20% of the U.S. population defined themselves in a 2012 study as “spiritual but not religious” (SBNR). This number had risen from 15% five years earlier, indicating a trajectory in this group that could encompass a quarter of the population by 2017. Furthermore, more than a third of those under the age of thirty report these beliefs, indicating continued growth in spiritualism outside the context of organized religion.
This cohort has also seen the highest rate of prescription drug use, particularly antidepressants, in history, which indicates rising incidences of soul-searching and dissatisfaction with the status quo of an overworked and often overly materialistic culture. LORI, The disintegration of my ordinary reality is perfectly suited to provide guidance and inspiration to this population segment, as it tracks the transformation of a subject with a career in finance and business through her experiences with death and spiritualism and into a far different world.
There is also an exploding discussion of mental health currently, with over fifty million people in the United States—one out of four—diagnosed with a mental disorder. Seventy-five percent of those who have had an experience of severe mental illness now consider themselves to be highly spiritual. The psychiatric world is having to allow for the startling possibility that maybe much of mental illness can be attributed to spiritual awakenings. This discussion has spilled well beyond the borders of professional mental health and into the mainstream. The actress Glenn Close and her family founded a nonprofit called Bring Change 2 Mind, which is dedicated to ending the stigma around mental illness. The death of Robin Williams brought huge amounts of publicity and concern to the topic of clinical depression. Celebrities such as Halle Berry, Gwyneth Paltrow, J.K. Rowling, and Angelina Jolie are all working to bring attention and resources to the field. Oprah has dedicated several issues of O Magazine to the topic of mental illness, and the film industry is also weighing in—last summer saw the release of more than fifteen films that touched upon it.
Authors and publishers working in this arena have contributed greatly to the conversation, as well, reaching extensive audiences in many cases. Perhaps the most visible of these is Eckhart Tolle, who went through major psychological turmoil to arrive at the destruction of his ego to write The Power of Now. LORI, The disintegration of my ordinary reality follows a similar trajectory, and seeks to leave its readers with a similar perspective on the possibilities of the spiritual world. My journey to find myself—after a successful career, and after I lose my husband—is reminiscent of Elizabeth Gilbert’s in Eat, Pray Love, and my experiences with out-of-body experiences echo Anita Moorjani’s in Dying to be Me. Readers who were captivated by the shamanic teachings shared by Carlos Castaneda in his many books or in the less-than-conventional experiences of Shirley MacLaine as documented in Out on a Limb will find much to interest them in LORI, The disintegration of my ordinary reality. Furthermore, I believe my work and perspectives on mental health can also contribute to the evaluation of the mental health system like journalist Robert Whitaker’s book, Mad in America.
LORI, The disintegration of my ordinary reality is unique elixir of transformative spiritual processes and mental health will appeal to those who are interested in spirituality, transformation, and mental health—a market segment that continues to grow as it searches for answers.
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