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Welcome to vibrational medicine. I have divided my sessions into 5 areas; Mind, Body, Spirit, House and Environment and my newly released sessions for your Pets. Each area has a separate input form to fill out so that I have all the information available prior to our session to review and study. Please be as thorough as you can so that you have a good scan. If you are not sure where to start, I recommend you begin with a body session and we will go from there to the other areas that we need to focus on. I look forward to bringing forth the amazing information that I find everyday to build a better future for your health and wellness.

A new session for your home or office. Through this session Lori will evaluate the electro magnetic and spiritual atmosphere in your home or office. Through scalar scanning she will identify and resolve accumulated negative energies that may be causing symptoms of stagnation, conflictive relationships, poor productivity and focus, difficulty selling a home or deciding on the right home to buy, looking to environmental factors and the removal of foreign entities and energies to achieve sparkling results.

This is the perfect session to address issues of the mind. We will take a look at anxiety levels, depression, adrenal stress and brain health. By running vitamin and mineral supplement frequencies through your energetic field, we can detect imbalances in the brain and nervous system. An inventory of your emotions is analyzed to see the success of your thought management. Together we will design personalized affirmations that are broadcast into your holographic field for three months. Remember, thoughts create your reality. Then by utilizing mindfulness practices, we will master forgiveness, expectations, intentions, gratitude, control issues, judgment, grounding and assumptions and finally overhaul limiting beliefs. You will receive guidance on how to integrate the removal of fears that lead to the many layers of conditioning that keeps you from joy. Through cellular reprogramming, we restructure thought and ramp up the energetic body.
Take home all the tools for creating a new reality and begin to thrive with a whole new strategy.

We have always known that the secrets to healing lie in the power of natural forces. The underlying cause of many illnesses often go undiscovered by traditional approaches. Through the new frontier of holographic scanning, we can uncover a vast field of possibilities from allergies and sensitivities, the impact of adverse dental procedures, heavy metals, parasites, bacterial, viral and fungal infections, vaccines, environmental toxins and geopathic stressors. Through this profound analysis of your holographic structure, we can reveal the external influences of your lifestyle, habits and practices that are impacting your physical health and well-being. The protocols of homeopathy, naturopathy, Rife frequencies, Hanna Kroger, Michael Lincoln, Grigori Grabovoi and other cutting-edge protocols for healing are scanned into your field to uncover where the deficiencies are in your body. Next, you will then receive a plan that will include natural remedies, supplements, nutrition, holographic frequencies and a comprehensive evaluation of what is needed to accomplish balance. This can be helpful in identifying priorities and focus as to what are the steps needed to get started on the path to wellness. This can also be invaluable advice to your medical team as to areas that need to be further tested.
Through this session you will uncover the underlying sources of your symptoms and disease and implement remedies for well-being.

In this session we will examine your energy field to evaluate its health and well-being. A holographic scan is done of all external energies that may be affecting you. We will revise the seven energy centers of the body, scan for negative entities, identify your spirit guides and reunite you with your power animal and other spiritual beings. Could past lives be seeping into this life? Is your soul fragmented and lost in the past? If you are experiencing a spiritual emergency, I can also support you through your awakening process. Perhaps you need closure or understanding from those who have crossed over, help with grief management? Working with personalized flower and plant essences I can support healing your spiritual field. You will also be tested for crystals and minerals that support you vibrationally and help to enhance your personal reflection in the world. Lastly, we will discuss color frequencies and get your etheric body aligned with its natural rainbow.
Reach a whole other realm of understanding the amazing YOU by seeing yourself through the lens of spirit.

Introducing vibrational medicine for pets. Probably the most difficult thing in treating pets is finding out what the problem is as pets do not communicate what is wrong. NuVision is a great tool to see what is actually going on in the mind, body and soul of your animal. It can detect emotional and physical issues often ignored by traditional methods. Our practicioners have also realized how well pets respond to vibrational therapies, not to mention the ease of administering remedies that are often a challenge to take. So much can be uncovered in a Pet session that will give you tools on what areas to focus on, what are the weaknesses and how to remedy them and an honest overall assessment of their health and well-being. NuVision is a great preventative strategy as well, since most Pet problems are not detected until it is too late or too advanced for treatment. One of the more beneficial aspects of this approach is the ability to identify the underlying cause of behavioral issues as well. The more information available to you the easier it will be to support your beloved furry family throughout their life.
Important: Please read COUNSELING AND HEALING SERVICES DISCLOSURE before you book your appointment.
Follow-Up Scan
Quick Consult
Pre-Paid Pkg. App.
Five 1-Hr. Sessions
Ten 1-Hr. Sessions
How do I schedule an appointment with Lori?
CLICK HERE This will take you to the appointment calendar. Please choose a time that best works for your schedule. Follow the instructions for payment and you are set!
Where does the session take place?
Sessions are done by connecting to an online Zoom meeting. There is no significant difference in a session if it is done in person or online. Lori is able to tap into your energy field no matter where you are.
How do I join a meeting?
Click HERE to find out more.
How long is a session?
Your first session is 60 minutes. When you book a session you will be asked to fill out a form that outlines the areas that you would like addressed. Please be as complete as possible when filling out this form. Describe in the best detail you can all the symptoms of mental, physical or spiritual issues. Lori will be working on your case often prior to your session. During the one to one online session Lori will work with you intuitively on what causes she has found and the remedies that she suggests to get you to a place of satisfaction that you have received enough information to begin a plan of action toward wellness.
Day of the session?
Please be on time and familiarize yourself with ZOOM. Sessions start on time. If you are late, you may or may not be guaranteed that the session will be for the full hour. If you miss your session, I am able to reschedule only one time, for an appointment in the future.
May I record the session?
After you book your session you will receive a confirmation email which will include a link to a ZOOM online meeting room. On the day of your appointment simply click on the link to join the session. You will also receive a reminder prior to your session.

“The value of intuition in our lives is huge. How could we possibly be making the best decisions for ourselves without including the non-conscious parts of our being? Let’s talk and get to the core of what is really going on from a spiritual and energetic perspective. Whether it be business, personal, spiritual or health problems, I can assure you that you will receive valuable insight and clarity. Let’s get to the big picture in illuminating what are your spiritual strengths and weakness in reaching your goals and leave you with specific tools for getting on with your life and jumping for JOY.”